Powerhouse Blueprint Version 1.6.0 Update Released
Date Posted:
December 27, 2011
Blueprint Updates
We are happy to announce the release of Version 1.6.0 of Powerhouse Blueprint.
This update makes the following enhancements to the software:
- Added the Columbia 300 Dark Encounter bowling ball to the ball database.
- Added a "Print Ball Drilling Specs" feature, allowing you to print a one-page ball drilling spec sheet containing all the parameters necessary to drill the ball.
Full version customers can upgrade to this latest version by visiting our downloads
page and downloading the Version 1.6.0 installer.
Using the New "Print Ball Drilling Specs" Feature
This new feature can be found in Blueprint's "File" menu. To use it, do
the following:
- Click "File => Edit Business Info..." from Blueprint's main menu. Enter
your business' information, such as name, address, and phone number. When
you are finished, click the OK button.
- Click "File => Print Ball Drilling Specs" from the main menu. This will
show a print preview window. To print, just click the printer icon at the
top of the window.
The printed drilling specification sheet will look something like what is shown